Dr. Marie McAuliffe is the head of the Migration Policy Research Division at IOM in Geneva. She is an international migration specialist with 20 years of experience in migration as a practitioner, program manager, senior official and researcher.
Marie is a senior fellow at the Global Migration Centre at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and a Sir Roland Wilson Fellow at the School of Demography at the Australian National University (ANU). She is a member of MIT’s Global Technology Review Panel, IUSSP’s panel on international migration and curates the World Economic Forum’s Migration Transformation Map. Marie has published and edited widely in academic and policy spheres on migration. She edited IOM’s flagship World Migration Report 2018 (with Martin Ruhs) and the World Migration Report 2020 (with Binod Khadria).
Marie has led research, analysis and policy teams in government and previously consulted to IOM, ILO as well as in the private sector, including in South Korea, Russia, Central Asia and Turkey. For three years (2012–2014), Marie directed the $6.5 million Australian irregular migration research program, from which stems an ANU Press book that she edited (with Khalid Koser).