ISSP is one of eight institutes of the University of Ouagadougou. Its mission is provide research and training on population and development issues. It has fifteen PhD level researchers. Its research is organised around three research units:

  • The Population and Health Research Unit
  • The Population and Education Research Unit
  • The Mobility, Housing and Environment Research Unit

ISSP also provides three diploma courses:

  • Master's in Population and Health
  • Master of Research in Population Sciences
  • Bachelor of Social Statistics

As part of the partnership with UKRI GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub, ISSP works in the corridor of Burkina Faso-Côte d'Ivoire and conducts research focused on inequalities related to childhood, poverty and income inequalities and resource flows, finance, trade and knowledge. About fifty in-depth interviews, focus groups and life stories will be conducted for each theme. In addition, a household survey of about 2000 households will be conducted in Burkina Faso.