China Agricultural University (CAU) is one of the top ranked key national universities in China. It is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of P.R.C. China Agricultural University is authorised to award academic degrees at BSc, MSc, PhD and Post-PhD levels. CAU has 14 colleges, the educational programs cover a broad spectrum in both natural and social sciences, across the fields of food and agriculture, livestock, soil and water, engineering, economics, environment and energy, sociology, laws, development studies, etc.

CAU has established collaborations via 296 counter-signed Memorandum of Understanding or Agreements with 178 universities from 35 countries in North America, Europe, Asia, & Oceania. Exchange of students with partner universities has become a routine of work. In addition, cooperation with UN specialised organizations and international institutions have been developed. CAU has also conducted several successful joint educational programs with the US, Netherlands and UK, further strengthening CAU’s role in the world educational community.