Africa secretariat
The Africa Hub works to curate a space that brings together scholars working in Africa, on Africa, from Africa, or committed to Africa in understanding intra-African, and Southern migration. The broad vision is to create a structure where African and Southern scholars collaborate to produce knowledge, facilitate the exchange of ideas, convene joint training of the next generation, and cultivate an organic scholarship in conversation with progressive African, and Southern institutions, activists, and civil society organisations.
The central question that drives the network is: in overcoming the marginal status of African scholarship in understanding, and then overcoming the African condition and global challenges, what set of strategies and structures should scholars working in/on/from Africa on African, and Southern migration, adopt in producing knowledge that is locally relevant and globally legible? To grapple with these questions, the maiden conference brings together researchers, academics, activists, policy makers and social movements to reflect and collectively think possible way(s) forward. The Hub hosted a two day conference in Accra.
The network is led by the University of Ghana, Centre for Migration Studies, the University of Cape Town and the University of Addis Ababa.
For more details, contact Mary Setrana, Faisal Garba or Dereje Feyissa.
Photos via the University of Ghana, Centre for Migration Studies.