The MIDEQ Malaysia team, led by Co-Investigator Assoc Prof Yeoh Seng-Guan, in collaboration with the Malaysia Immersion and Pathways (MIP) is very proud to present Mapping Journeys: a MIDEQ Malaysia Exhibition 2023. The exhibition is a culmination of all of the research findings and outputs that have been produced by the MIDEQ Malaysia team and its partners over the course of the past few years.
It will be taking place from the 16th October 2023 till 10th November 2023 in the Basement (Building 6) and Exhibition Room of Monash University Malaysia. The exhibition is also hosted by the School of Arts & Social Sciences.
University partners around the state of Selangor will also be attending the exhibition, sending 30 of their students accompanied by lecturers to experience a tour of the exhibition followed by an immersive experience session. For those outside of Malaysia, the virtual exhibition is now also live, where all of the exhibits are on virtual display for consumption.
The team will also be hosting three different panel sessions throughout the exhibition period that are open for all to attend via registration, and the public can also sign up to participate in the Immersive Experience that will take you through the journey of migration as a Nepalese migrant worker via a virtual interactive game. More details on the virtual exhibition and panels can be found below.