This event was originally published via Rich Mix which is based in London. Find the original post here. Please note that this is an in person event.

Come along, enjoy the short films and discuss important questions about how we effectively challenge migration narratives. Following the screening and discussion, join us for a networking event catered by Canababes.

Please note, tickets are free but entry to the screening will be first come, first served on the day. Doors open from 5.30pm, screening starts at 6pm.

The Migration for Equality and Development (MIDEQ) Hub works to advance the understanding and conceptualisation of South-South migration and inequalities and to improve outcomes for migrants and their families. Collectively, they have sought to use opportunities where they exist – and to create space where they do not – to challenge xenophobia and racialised portrayals of South-South migration through humanising migration and migrants.

PositiveNegatives is a non-profit creative research organisation based at SOAS University of London and has been one of the main creative partners of MIDEQ through the duration of the Hub. PositiveNegatives work collaboratively with research teams to develop engaging and impactful comics, animations and educational resources to reach new audiences and help build a creative legacy from the research findings. 

The MIDEQ Hub, with PositiveNegatives, has sought to bridge the gap between academia and the broader public, fostering a more informed and empathetic understanding of migration through five animations that humanise migration experiences; The Story of Migration, Covid Chronicles, The Boy with More?, Unstoppable Beat and Our Story of Migration


Prof Heaven Crawley | Director of MIDEQ


Dr Benjamin Worku-Dix | Director of PositiveNegatives

Karrie Fransman | Creative Director, PositiveNegatives

Nazek Ramadan | Director, Migrant Voice

Dr Gameli Tordzo | University of Glasgow

Lara Deffense | Producer, Refugee Week UK Coordinator, Counterpoints Arts

If you have any access requirements, please contact the Rich Mix box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email

Humanising narratives around migration concept note

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Download the concept note here