Meda Mouoboum Marc is a Sociologist, with a Master's degree in Sociology from the University Joseph KI-ZERBO (Burkina Faso). His research interests include Migration, Health and Environment, in which he has worked as a consultant and assistant. He has a wide range of experience in teaching at the University Aube Nouvelle; in research in agriculture and climate change with WASCAL, in health successively with McGill University in Montreal (Canada) within the STREAMS project, and the University of Helsinki (Finland) within the AMRIWA project.
He is currently Research Assistant at ISSP in the framework of MIDEQ. He is working on Work Package 3. Meda Mouoboum Marc is affiliated to the Institut supérieur des Sciences de la Population; Université Joseph KI-ZERBO (Burkina Faso); Laboratoire Mixte International Mobilités, Voyages, Innovations et Dynamiques dans les Afriques méditerranéenne et subsaharienne (LMI-MOVIDA) of IRD.