As a Hub, we have spent five years unpacking the relationship between migration, inequalities and development in the context of the Global South. Central to MIDEQ's research is our approach to decentring the production of migration knowledge. This is reflected in the project's design and structure as a majority of MIDEQ researchers are based in the Global South. Our strength lies within and across our network of researchers who challenge dominate thinking on migration.

Building upon the work of the MIDEQ network are three regional secretariats based in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Each secretariat brings together academic institutions, international organisations, activists and civil society organisations to explore South-South migration and inequalities from the regions in which they work and live. The aim is to not only share MIDEQ research and findings but also expand MIDEQ's network towards new avenues of collaboration and research. Details on our regional secretariats can be found below.


The Americas
