The Centre for Migration Studies (CMS), University of Ghana was established in 2006 to undertake research, teaching, capacity building, policy assessment, and dissemination in the field of migration. It currently runs three postgraduate programmes, namely MA. MPhil and PhD Migration Studies.

The Centre is actively involved in large research projects, including: UKRI’s GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub; “Governing climate mobility in Ghana” project, funded by DANIDA; “Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus, funded by EU; “Migration for Inclusive African Growth” project, funded by ESRC; "Migrating out of Poverty” project, funded by UKAID ; and "MADE West Africa" project, funded by the European Union.

The Centre's research output has been instrumental in the development of migration policies at the national, regional and international levels. For instance, the Centre facilitated the development of National Migration, National Labour Migration and Diaspora Engagement policies for Ghana. It also facilitated the drafting of the national migration and national labour migration policies for Sierra Leone.

The Centre is implementing the Ghana-China corridor component of the Hub which is examining the migration flows along the China-Ghana corridor. The Centre is focusing on three work packages, namely, Resource Flows; Poverty and Inequalities and Gender.