
Our Story of Migration and Inequality continues the narrative of MIDEQ, first shared in The Story of Migration. Taking the complex stories of four migrants from Haiti, Burkina Faso, Nepal and Ethiopia, the animation explores their relationship between migration and global inequalities.

Partners: UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), Global Challenges Research fund (GCRF), Coventry University, The Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development (INURED), Félix Houphouët Boigny University, Côte d'Ivoire, University of Ouagadougou, Monash University Malaysia, Peace & Development Centre Ethiopia, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research

Credits: Research and Script Direction: Prof Heaven Crawley, Dr Toni Cela, Prof Louis Herns Marcelin, Cyprien Yao Yao, Dr Kando Amédée Soumahoro, Dr Tebkieta Alexandra Tapsoba, Marc Meda, Dr Seng-Guan Yeoh, Sheril A. Bustaman, Dr Dereje Feyissa, Dr Fana Gebresenbet


Production Direction: Dr Beniamin Worku-Dix,

Animation and Script: Karrie Fransman

Filming and Editing: Adam Zygadlo

Sound Engineer: Richard Hughes

Voice Artist (English): Dr Gameli Tordzro

Music: Richard Hughes & Dr Gameli Tordzro

Hand Actor: Sharon Yohannes

Studio Assistant: Lauren O'Farrell

Book Binders: Book Works

Produced by: PositiveNegatives