Photo by Leon Škrilec on Unsplash
In this poetic intervention, writer and poet Tawona Sitholé reflects on the February 2021 MIDEQ Symposium.
what is the foundation
of this house
this building
is it a ruware
a hard place suitable for beginners
or is it mumuvura
a fluid space perfect for wanderers
depends on the conditions
depends on the builders
what are the materials
for this building
respect skill passion risk
sharing compassion creativity humilty
listening listening listening
depends on the conditions
depends on the builders
having so many builders
there are no right angles
no wrong angles either
in this squinty house
it is just different angles
what is the making
of this house
making time
making a difference
making room
depends on the conditions
depends on the builders
in this building
sometimes you stand
sometimes you have to stoop
sometimes you speak
sometimes you have to shout
sometimes in frustration
you feel like calling the builder
but it's your own name that rings
sometimes you sit alone
in a yawning space
sometimes cram together
into a small window
home is where we rest
home is where we wrestle
thats on the inside
and what about the outside
there are many many storms to weather
this building is a tree
that bends with the wind
in the many many storms
the spirit must be aya the resilient
in this house
who are the builders
what are the conditions